This analog piece is an attempt to codify and formalize the memory of a co-dependent relationship. Here, concepts related to care and usefulness are reimagined.
The second panel from the left features an excerpt of lyrics from Bill Callahan's "To Be of Use."​​​​​​​
multiple fictions on care and use
mixed media assemblage
picture frame, frame stand, antique dinner fork, string of pink play pearls, cheese cloth, typewritten text, blue thread and needle, pear slices, red marker, dried flower, ornate pin, pedestal
12" x 10" (variable additions)
"multiple fictions on care and use" (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (side detail) (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (side detail) (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (close) (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (close) (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (detail) (12" x 10" x 4.5")
"multiple fictions on care and use" (detail) (12" x 10" x 4.5")
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